Performance Management

Effective Performance Management’ has a direct linkage with employer’s aspirations from his employees. A Performance Management System (PMS) which monitors, improves & channelizes day to day work efforts of all employees towards organizational goal achievements.

We establish a 'cause and effect' relationship between employee performance and your aspirational Balance Sheet through the system of 'Key Result Areas' (KRAs). We prove this; cause and effect; relationship to your Top Management and build consensus around it. We do not leave it there! We facilitate and implement the Performance Management System (PMS) we have designed and prove it on record that our Performance Management System (PMS) has delivered results. We have different Performance Management System (PMS) Models drawn from global best practices as well as indigenously developed ones. Since we cater to a wide variety of industries, organizational cultures and size of operations, our Performance Management System (PMS) Models have evolved through experimentation, adaptation and customization over the years. In short, we would be able to provide a tailor-made Performance Management System (PMS) to suit your unique needs.